Contact form
Do you offer wholesale?
Yes! Shop our wholesale account at and feel free to message us if there is a certain item you’re interested in that is not available for wholesale.
Do you accept returns?
We accept returns on select items. See Return Policy
When can I expect my order to ship?
Your order is estimated to ship in 7-9 business days. Once made, it will be shipped based on your carrier preference. During busier times of year, shipping estimates may take longer. Please note we do not guarantee when orders will arrive.
Do you have international shipping?
We are currently only offering US shipping. But check out our Etsy store at for international orders.
What happens if my package is delayed or lost?
Charlie & the Hound does not guarantee shipping times. On occasion carrier delays or lost mail may occur. If delayed, please contact carrier for assistance. If lost, please reach out to carrier for help with a missing package request form. If lost package is marked as "Delivered" on tracking reach out to carrier to file a claim as we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. Always make sure your address and email are correct before checking out in case we need to reach out or a package gets returned to us.